
Sierra Club Picks Ilhan Omar as the Climate Candidate

July 19, 2024

MINNEAPOLIS-The North Star Chapter of the Sierra Club comes out in support of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s re-election in the race for the Fifth Congressional District. The environmental organization notes Ilhan’s consistent record on delivering progressive climate policy, urging community members to support Congresswoman Omar in the August 13th primary election. You can view the original posting here.

For generations, the Sierra Club has been a driving force in protecting our land, water, and air for future generations. We have led efforts to close dirty coal plants, reduce waste, preserve wilderness areas, and improve air quality in environmental justice communities. In Minnesota’s Fifth District, we know that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar isn’t just a supporter of these ideas — she is an ally using her power to fight for a world where kids breathe clean air, endangered species can again thrive, and humanity has accepted its responsibility to tackle climate change.

She brought her House colleagues to Northern Minnesota to meet with Indigenous leaders organizing against Line 3 because she understands that climate change threatens us all — and all oil pipelines will eventually fail. She passed part of the Zero Waste Act because she knows that garbage drives climate change and causes excessive pollution. And she organized to pass the Inflation Reduction Act because she recognizes that the climate crisis is the most urgent and severe problem that humanity faces.

Congresswoman Omar is a champion for the environment in ways big and small. We know that when we call, she will answer. That is why I am supporting Congresswoman Omar in the August 13th DFL primary, and I urge you to vote for her in the ballot box.

-Ben Kuhnke

Volunteer Legislative and Political Committee Member with Sierra Club North Star Chapter