
Invest in Arts & Humanities

The challenges we face require creative solutions.

We are lucky in the 5th Congressional District to have many excellent artists, arts organizations and other vibrant leaders who demonstrate daily the value of art and culture to building healthy communities.

  • Foundational institutions like the Minneapolis Institute of Arts create world-class experiences that attract visitors from across the state
  • The Minneapolis St. Paul Airport hosts artists and art experiences that welcome travelers to Minnesota and organizations like Juxtaposition Arts and Childrens Theater provide critical education programs for young people
  • In every neighborhood of the district you will find creative people working across sectors and making their communities more vibrant and welcoming
  • There is no better example of public investment in culture than the Minnesota Legacy Amendment, which serves as a model for how to invest in quality of life and for how the arts contribute to talent attraction and innovation


Vision and policy priorities

Support federal funding for the arts

The arts have a unique ability to help us connect across differences, build important social capital, and tell the stories of our unique cultures and identities. I am grateful for the work of artists to help create shared experiences, reflect the strength of our diversity and to imagine new futures and I am committed to making sure that the 5th Congressional District is a place where creativity can thrive.

  • Preserve funds for the National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities and the Institute for Museums and Library Services
  • Support art and music education in our public school system
  • Encourage cultural exchange, share artistic expression and bring a creativity to policymaking that requires new ways of thinking and true collaboration