
Provide Healthcare Coverage for All

Ilhan will fight for Medicare for All, a single-payer healthcare system that guarantees quality care for every American.

It is unacceptable that millions of people are unable to seek care because they live without or cannot afford insurance. It is horrifying that we continue to fight for the right to seek an abortion and access reproductive freedom. We must hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for price gouging patients who have no other alternative but to pay exorbitantly high prices for drugs.

  • In 2022, 26 million people – 7.9 percent of the population were uninsured.
  • Americans pay – by far – the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. In fact, one in four patients report having difficulty affording the medications they so desperately need
  • Anti-women’s health advocates and politicians have passed more than 400 restrictions on abortion since 2010, depriving millions of women the right to make their own choices and threatening their health and economic wellbeing.

Vision and policy priorities

Fight for Medicare for All and invest in high-quality, preventative healthcare

  • Affordable and quality healthcare is a right and we need policies that move our country to a single-payer system.
  • Expand the overwhelmingly successful and popular Medicare program, so that every resident of the United States has guaranteed access to care.
  • Provide comprehensive coverage, including dental, vision, prescription drug, reproductive and maternal care benefits.
  • Require no out-of-pocket costs for patients for any services.
  • Simplify the health system and cut down on administrative costs.

Guarantee equal access to reproductive care

Women’s rights and healthcare are under attack from the current administration and state governments across the country. All women deserve the right to accessible and affordable reproductive healthcare, and access to a safe, affordable abortion.

  • Codify Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.
  • Ensure access to contraception at no cost.
  • Provide abortion coverage and care regardless of income or insurance.
  • Eliminate the Hyde Amendment which limits access to abortion services for millions of women enrolled in Medicaid and other federal programs.
  • Prevent any future Administrations from reinstating the global gag rule, a policy that restricts nonprofits across the globe that receive U.S. foreign assistance from providing women assistance with or referrals to abortion services.
  • Provide comprehensive, medically accurate sex education to our nation’s young people.

Hold pharmaceutical companies accountable and lower the cost of prescription drugs

The right to healthcare extends to being able to access prescription drugs at an affordable price. Instead of accepting donations from the pharmaceutical industry, Ilhan will work to hold them accountable. Medications are too expensive and we must act boldly to lower prices.

  • Shorten the patent life of prescription drugs.
  • Expand importation of prescription drugs from Canada.
  • Build on the success of the Inflation Reduction Act by allowing Medicare to negotiate all drug prices.
  • Require transparency in pharmaceutical pricing.
  • Enforce antitrust laws with pharmaceutical companies.