
Create a Just Immigration System

Our immigration system is fundamentally unjust. Instead of treating immigrants as criminals, we must welcome them into our country and provide them with paths to citizenship.

Instead of extending humanity and compassion to migrants and refugees, we treat them as criminals. Instead of reuniting families through a quick and reliable process, we separate them for years – or longer. We must welcome immigrants into our country and provide them simple and accessible means to becoming documented.

  • There are over 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States, among them over 4.4 million that entered before their 18th birthday and who know no home other than America
  • Over 600,000 people have been afforded Temporary Protected Status, living with terrifying uncertainty about the future despite their deep connections to this country, after having spent decades living in and contributing to our communities
  • People fleeing violence and instability are paroled into the county, but most in our community are not given pathways to work authorization or stable long-term status
  • Citizens who want to reunite with their spouses, children, or parents face decades of wait times, forcing many to choose entering the country through alternate means
  • Immigrants coming to the US on work visas wait for decades for green card they are qualified for – solely because of the country they come from

Vision and policy priorities

Reform our inhumane immigration system

  • Abolish ICE, and end all inhumane deportation and detention programs
  • Prosecute federal officials who have been accused of physical and sexual assault of people in their detention
  • Oppose all efforts to further militarize our border and any attempt to expand the border wall along the southern border
  • Protect Sanctuary Cities and Counties by preventing any presidential administration from withholding federal funding
  • Fight back against the criminalization of immigration and crossing the border

Establish a just immigration system

  • Create a fair and accessible pathway to legal status and citizenship for DREAMERS, TPS recipients and all undocumented people living in the US
  • Speed up processing times and end arbitrary limits on family-based and employment-based green cards
  • Make sure no future president can weaponize discretionary programs to target people based on their race, religion, or nationality
  • Expand the number of refugees and asylum-seekers admitted to the United States
  • Adopt community-based alternatives to detention