
Educators for Ilhan

July 13, 2024

MINNEAPOLIS- Multiple teachers from various schools around the Fifth Congressional District come out in support of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s Re-Election due to her steadfast approach to delivering critical resources for teachers and students alike.

You can view the original article here.

“As educators, we are so lucky to have Congresswoman Ilhan Omar represent us in Congress. She is a champion who shares our deep level of care for young people which makes all the difference in our ability to show up for our students.

We have seen firsthand the impacts on students who are experiencing hunger. They are unable to focus in class, turn in their assignments, or able to show up as their true selves. Congresswoman Omar always says, “you can’t feed the brains without feeding the bellies.” She knows that universal school meals are crucial to level the playing field and help our kids thrive. While our state has passed transformative legislation to provide free school meals across our state, we have so much more work ahead.

In Congress, Congresswoman Omar authored the MEALS Act that fed nearly 30 million children across the country during the pandemic. She also authored the Universal School Meals Act to ensure every single child across the country has the nutrition they need to succeed. Our Congresswoman even teamed up with Senator Smith on the No Shame at School Act to erase school meal debt.

We support Congresswoman Ilhan Omar because she is a champion for our kids and improving public schools. She’s the only candidate in this race who is a true leader in the fight to eradicate child hunger once and for all. She’s had our back, and we are thrilled to have hers.”

Signed by:

Maria White, Teacher at Ella Baker Global Studies & Humanities School

Ashley Penney, Teacher at Pillsbury Elementary

Sam Quincy, Teacher at Justice Page Middle School