
U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar: So much progress, so much more work ahead

August 9, 2024

MINNEAPOLIS—Yesterday, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar published an op-ed in the Star Tribune, detailing her plans for a fourth term in Congress should she be re-elected. You can read the op-ed here and below.

“Here are my plans if you re-elect me in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District.

When I first arrived in Minnesota as a young refugee, I would never in my wildest dreams have imagined that I would have the opportunity to represent the community that welcomed me with open arms in Congress. In 2018, when I was first elected to represent the Fifth Congressional District, I remember feeling the fire in my heart to use this seat with everything I have to improve the lives of members of our community. Together, we have survived a global pandemic, the murder of George Floyd that sparked a global reckoning with police brutality, two impeachments of Donald Trump and an insurrection. Through it all, you have always had my back and I have never let that fire for a better tomorrow extinguish.

It has been the greatest honor to be your congresswoman. Together, we have worked to center the needs of our community in every single decision. From delivering $54 million in community project funding to hosting monthly town halls to providing direct support to more than 3,600 constituents — we have been rooted in the community every step of the way. We fed nearly 30 million children across the country with my MEALS Act, fought to cancel student loan debt and passed the largest climate legislation in history. We have made so much progress, but we have so much more work ahead. I am running to continue to be your congresswoman because I believe in the people of the Fifth District, I know what is at stake, and I will relentlessly fight to champion the values of our district and continue to deliver for our community.

With this upcoming election, we have the chance to usher in bold progressive priorities. My plan for the next term, if re-elected, will be to ensure we codify Roe into federal law. While I am incredibly proud our state has safeguarded reproductive rights, all women across the country should be afforded the same rights. As the deputy chair of the Progressive Caucus, I will fight to ensure the progressive priorities of our district are met, including canceling student loan debt, implementing Medicare for All, enacting the Green New Deal, and a just foreign policy. Minnesota is the North Star State for a reason — just as the DFL trifecta in state government brought transformative change through the passage of universal school meals, paid sick leave, vote restoration, marijuana legalization and humane immigration policies, I will fight hard to make sure our priorities and shared values are at the forefront in Washington.

All of that progress is at stake with the threat of another Trump presidency. We have to do everything to ensure that the convicted felon and twice-impeached former president never holds office again. The primary election on Aug. 13 is the first step to making sure we are able to defeat Trump and get Vice President Kamala Harris elected as the next president of the United States. The Fifth Congressional District is the engine of Democratic turnout in our state. We have the power to ensure Minnesota stays blue and to send a mandate for change. In Minnesota, we believe you get what you organize for. Just as our beloved U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone believed in the power of progressives and everyday people organizing for a better tomorrow, I am confident that we will mobilize a record turnout and show the country what Minnesota values are all about.

In Congress, I have and will continue to champion the issues that matter most. My primary opponent wants to take us backward. As someone who is a graduate of Edison High School in Minneapolis and a mom of three Minneapolis Public Schools students, I will always fight hard to deliver for our educators and strengthen our public schools. My opponent instead has been a staunch supporter of privatizing education and said his kids “will not darken the door of a Minneapolis Public School.” When he ran for school board, he took over $200,000 from right-wing billionaires who wanted to dismantle public education. This does not match the pro-public-education sentiment of our district. While many women and especially women of color in public office face a beratement of sexist remarks, my opponent stated that I was “not cute enough, [I] don’t dress well enough, nothing about [me] is attractive enough to overcome that deficit.” When given the opportunity to apologize and retract his comments in an interview with Esme Murphy, he lied multiple times saying he did not say that. This language is beneath the dignity of any adult, let alone someone seeking public office. It is reminiscent of the worst kinds of lies and misogyny that we are hearing from people like Trump, who think they can say anything about women and get away with it. These misogynistic remarks are antithetical to the values of the Fifth District. As someone who rejects corporate PAC money, my opponent has instead opted to take money from Republican super PACs and Harlan Crow, the man bankrolling anti-abortion Justice Clarence Thomas’ luxurious vacations and lifestyle. Anyone financed by dark Republican money will only take our district backward. We cannot allow the progress we have made to be lost to someone who doesn’t share our values.

I do not take this job lightly. I have fought day in and day out to deliver for you. Two years ago when the Build Back Better Act failed to move with many wins for climate resilience for our community, I used my leadership role in the Progressive Caucus to fight to ensure the Inflation Reduction Act was the most ambitious climate bill ever passed. Because of that bill, we will bring a total of 100,000 green jobs to Minnesota for the next decade. When the earmarking process was brought back to Congress through Community Project Funding, I worked with our senators and made sure the projects I chose represented the broad swath of sites across our district and subsequently delivered $54 million to 40 projects. When Roe was overturned, I took the righteous anger felt by the majority of our district and put my body on the line to protest. Despite numerous threats made against my life, I have held monthly town halls throughout the district because I made a promise to co-govern alongside you. In Congress, every single vote and decision I make is centered around our shared priorities. Because this work has never been about me, it has been about you. Together, we have rejected cynicism and have chosen hope.

While there is a lot of work ahead, I am hopeful that we will work to organize and build a more prosperous Minnesota and America. I am filled with gratitude to be your congresswoman. I will always have your back and I look forward to earning your vote on Aug. 13.”